Specialist in bathrooms
for 30 years

Group Nivelles is the 100% Belgian manufacturer of innovative bathroom solutions. From the revolutionary I-Drain® shower drain, top-quality Assenti bathroom furniture to the largest producer in Belgium of Dzignstone® Premium Solid Surface, according to our own recipe!

By combining the technology of our three product groups, we succeed in creating unique and innovative products. In addition to a wide range of standard solutions, we are also a proud customization specialist. From drawing to finished product, almost anything is possible. From the private bathroom to large projects.

Our brands

Today, Group Nivelles embraces three key brands: Dzignstone®, I-Drain® and Assenti. Dzignstone® is used for shower trays, basins and wall panels. I-Drain covers shower drainage products and is one of the most prominent brands on the market for water flow technology. The brand Assenti represents quality bathroom furniture. All are 100% European products, handmade in Belgium!


Want to see our product in real life? Our products are available at the sanitary wholesaler, ask your installer! We also have a limited showroom in Gingelom. Only to be visited by appointment!


Click on one of the tiles below to go to our brand  websites!


We provide the necessary commercial and technical support to our partners. A team of passionate account managers will assist you if necessary.

About us

Group Nivelles is a family business founded in 1994 in Sint-Truiden. In the beginning, the main activity of the company consisted of importing and selling bathroom furniture. Meanwhile, GNI has become producer and distributor of bathroom furniture, natural stone and showers, wash basins and shower drains. These are divided in three brands: Assenti, I-DRAIN and Dzignstone.

In 2024 Group Nivelles NV celebrated it’s 30th birthday and our company remains ambitious for the future. With a production hall of no less than 10,000m² we have grown into the largest premium Solid Surface manufacturer in Belgium!

Take a look at our achievements.

“As an innovative manufacturer in the bathroom industry, our greatest motivation is to keep creating practical design solutions.”
  • Innovatie & topkwaliteit

    Group Nivelles wil toegevoegde waarde creëren op de nationale en internationale sanitaire markt op vlak van totale badkamerconcepten door het aanbieden van innovatieve producten van topkwaliteit die in eigen beheer worden ontwikkeld, geproduceerd en op de markt gebracht. Voortdurende innovatie en verbetering van onze producten moet leiden tot visueel aantrekkelijke en technisch vernuftige concepten.

  • Operationele uitmuntendheid

    Group Nivelles wil haar stabiele groei verzekeren door minstens één geslaagde innovatie per jaar uit te werken. De organisatie zal internationaal actief zijn. Cruciaal in deze strijd naar excellentie is niet enkel het vinden van de juiste mensen maar ook het vinden van een werkklimaat waarin deze mensen optimaal kunnen functioneren.

  • Empowerment

    Ook op menselijk vlak dient deze voortdurende innovatie de geest scherp te houden en de productiviteit en werkgoesting van onze medewerkers positief te beïnvloeden. Group Nivelles wil dat haar werknemers tevreden zij. Dat doet het door ieders werkgoesting individueel te ondersteunen zodat een sterke beroepsfierheid ontstaat. Gestructureerd teamwerk, individuele loopbaanbegeleiding, groeiend wederzijds vertrouwen, persoonlijke verantwoordelijkheid en een aangename werkplek vormen hierbij de sleutelelementen.

  • Openheid

    Group Nivelles wil niet alleen duurzame relaties opbouwen met haar medewerkers, maar ook met haar klantengroepen, haar leveranciers en de ruimere samenleving. Een open, familiale en horizontale bedrijfsstructuur kan hier zeker op een positieve manier aan bijdragen.

  • Duurzaamheid

    Tenslotte wil Group Nivelles doorheen al haar bedrijfsprocessen de principes van maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen toepassen én permanent blijven ontwikkelen.

Our values

Group Nivelles wants to create added value on the national and international sanitary market by offering innovative quality products that are developed, produced and marketed in-house at or Belgium Head Office. Continuous innovation and improvement of our products leads to visually attractive and technically ingenious concepts.

Group Nivelles wants to ensure its stable growth by developing at least one successful innovation per year. Our organization operates internationally and we search for excellence in everything that we do. This includes finding the right people and creating a healthy working environment so our employees can function optimally.

Also on a human level, this continuous innovation must keep the mind sharp and positively influence the productivity and work satisfaction of our employees. Group Nivelles wants its employees to be satisfied. It does this by supporting everyone’s work desire individually so that a strong professional pride is created. Structured teamwork, individual career guidance, growing mutual trust, personal responsibility and a pleasant workplace are the key elements in this.

Group Nivelles wants to build lasting relationships not only with its employees, but also with its customers, its suppliers and the society. An open, family and horizontal company structure can certainly contribute positively to this.

Group Nivelles wants to apply and continuously develop the principles of corporate social responsibility throughout all its business processes.

International brands


We provide the necessary commercial and technical support to our partners.
A team of passionate account managers will assist you if necessary.

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Group Nivelles


Start-up in Sint-Truiden. The main activity consisted of the introduction and commercialisation of the Assenti brand.


Start-up of Nathibau natural stone department.

Innovation & top quality

Group Nivelles wants to create added value on the national and international sanitary market by offering innovative quality products that are developed, produced and marketed in-house at our Belgium Head Office. Continuous innovation and improvement of our products leads to visually attractive and technically ingenious concepts.

Operational excellence

Group Nivelles wants to ensure its stable growth by developing at least one successful innovation per year. Our organization operates internationally and we search for excellence in everything that we do. This includes finding the right people and creating a healthy working environment so our employees can function optimally.


Also on a human level, this continuous innovation must keep the mind sharp and positively influence the productivity and work satisfaction of our employees. Group Nivelles wants its employees to be satisfied. It does this by supporting everyone’s work desire individually so that a strong professional pride is created. Structured teamwork, individual career guidance, growing mutual trust, personal responsibility and a pleasant workplace are the key elements in this.


Group Nivelles wants to build lasting relationships not only with its employees, but also with its customers, its suppliers and the society. An open, family and horizontal company structure can certainly contribute positively to this.


Group Nivelles wants to apply and continuously develop the principles of corporate social responsibility throughout all its business processes.

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